11 Days Overland Tour to Upper Mustang




11 days

Tour Type

Trip Overview

Upper Mustang Overland Tour

  • Explore the unique culture and traditions of Upper Mustang, a formerly forbidden kingdom.
  • Witness dramatic landscapes including the deepest gorge in the world, the Kali Gandaki Gorge.
  • Visit historical and religious sites like Muktinath Temple and Lo Manthang’s ancient monasteries.
  • Enjoy breathtaking views of the Himalayas including Dhaulagiri, Annapurna I, and Nilgiri peaks.
  • Experience the Tibetan culture of the region, including traditional villages and yak caravans.
  • Take a dip in the natural hot springs at Tatopani.
  • Explore the vibrant city of Pokhara and its beautiful Phewa Lake.

A Realm of Untamed Beauty

While trekking through Upper Mustang, the “forbidden kingdom,” has long been a coveted experience, the Upper Mustang Overland Jeep Tour offers a delightful alternative for those seeking a more relaxed exploration. Since its official opening to tourists in 1992, Upper Mustang has captivated adventurers with its unique culture and breathtaking landscapes. Recent road construction has unlocked this hidden gem for jeep travel, making it a hot spot for overland adventures. As you cross the border into the restricted area of Upper Mustang, prepare to be dazzled by a landscape unlike any other.

A Jeep Tour Advantage (or Faster Flight Option)

The Upper Mustang Jeep Tour offers a unique advantage for those seeking a more relaxed exploration compared to traditional trekking. While the 5-story palace in Lo Manthang is currently off-limits to visitors, the wonders of Upper Mustang extend far beyond its walls. This tour allows you to comfortably access these wonders and immerse yourself in the beauty and history of this forbidden kingdom.

For those seeking a faster alternative, 9 days tour to Upper Mustang Tour By Flight is also an option. This allows you to quickly access the heart of Upper Mustang and begin your exploration. However, the jeep tour provides a more immersive experience, allowing you to truly appreciate the dramatic landscapes and charming villages along the way.

Trip Itinerary

At the arrival gate of Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA), Kathmandu, an Adventure Glacier Treks representative will greet you. Following your transfer to a hotel, you will receive a briefing regarding the essential procedures, the climbing route, and your permit to climb. You can take a break or tour neighboring temples with your spare time, depending on when you arrive.

On your next day in Kathmandu, after breakfast, our tour guide will come and take you for a tour. You will get the chance to learn about well-known artwork, culture, and monuments. The Pashupatinath Temple,Swayambhunath Stupa, Boudhanath Stupa, and Bhaktapur Durbar Square are among the places the tour guide will take you.

You will be picked up from the hotel after breakfast and begin your private Jeep trip to Pokhara. We will see more of Nepal's countryside along the way, which is filled with greenery, rivers, villages, farms, and stunning mountain scenery. It will take around 7 hrs depending upon road conditions to reach Pokhara. After arriving in Pokhara, we will check into the hotel, eat lunch, and then, if you'd like, take some time to relax. Otherwise, you can go boating on Phew Lake and take a nighttime walking tour of Pokhara lakeside. Explore, rest, and have dinner near beautiful Lake Fewa.

We will begin our journey to Mustang after breakfast from Pokhara by private jeep. The Kali Gandaki River is followed after we first follow the blacktop road to Beni in the west. After Beni, the road is off-road. The Kali Gandaki valley, which stretches between the Dhaulagiri (8,167 m) and Annapurna I Himalayas, is the deepest gorge in the world (8,091 m). Tatopani is a little village where you may take advantage of the nearby activities and natural hot springs.

After having breakfast, you will drive via the nearby villages of Kalopani and Ghasa, where you will stop to see how apples are grown, as well as the local market in Jomsom. After that, you will pass via Kagbeni village and go to the famous Muktinath temple, where there are 108 taps dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The Buddhist monastery in Jharkot, which offers breathtaking views of Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, and Tukuche Peak, the nearby town of Muktinath, and Jal Devi will also be on your itinerary. Finally, you'll drive to Kagbeni for the night. The fire at Jal Devi can be seen lighting itself (using natural gas).

We will tour Kagbeni Monastery after breakfast. Kagbeni is famous for its Pitri-Puja, also known as Pitri-Moksastala, which is carried out to save the lost souls of ancestors from hell and help them get to heaven, bringing blessings to the entire family. Only after submitting them with a special permit at the checkpoint could we enter the Upper Mustang area, which has already been arranged by our office team.

To begin, take a Jeep across the Kaligandaki River near Chhusang Village and, then ascend to Chella Village, Samar Village, Syangboche Village, Bhina Village, Ghiling Village, and finally Ghami Village. Today's daytime scenery from Syngboche and other locations will be stunning. Since this is your journey of discovery, feel free to park your Jeep where you like and take photos. You will also see Tibetan culture, neighborhood activities, and farmer cottages with yaks and house caravans in the area.

You will visit several important monasteries today, including Mustang's Lo Gager Ghar Gompa, Charang Monastery, Lo-mang Thang City, "Jampa Gompa," the oldest monastery called "God House," a massive, red assembly hall and gompa created in the late 15th century, and "Chodey Gompa," the current center of the city and home to a monastic museum. Additionally, you will see domestic yak and cow caravans, as well as the scenery from and around Wonder Mountain.

You will visit Namgyal Gompa, the Chhoser sky caves, and Mustang's nearly 3,000-year-old Shija Jhong cave, which has been studied by archaeologists from all over the world, after breakfast today. Not far from Chhoser are other caverns that have been utilized for living, for meditation, and even for burial. When your tour of the area is complete, you'll take a jeep back to the guesthouse.

You will travel the entire distance to Jomsom today by car, passing through several nearby villages, the Kaligandaki River, and Buddhist stupas and temples. The local market in Jomsom can be explored in the evening.

We will fly back to the city  of historal importance Kathmandu

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Trip Information

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Price Includes

  • Airport Pick up/drop
  • 3 nights accommodation in kathmandu and  2 night accomodation in Pokhara
  • Trekking package such as Ground transportation by private vehicle
  • Necessary permits, entrance fees
  • Professional guide, porter/porters, and his expenses including their insurance and equipments
  • Your accommodation at lodges in route
  • Breakfast

Price Excludes

  • Beverages
  • Tips
  • Your insurance
  • Personal/natural expenses
  • Lunch and Dinner

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